Friday, December 18, 2009


Love is a chemical process that triggers the mind and heart to longing someone. Wanting someone. And wanting someone to love back.
Love is about trust and mutual respect.
Love is not to misuse the trust given.
Love is about faithful and loyalty to one another.
Above all that, i give u my all and never ending unconditional love, even it is from me alone.
I'll never stop loving u because love is blind. It doesn't see how your looks, oversees your mistakes, ignores what u have less and only see what have more. It is blind coz it only see u as the most beautiful, the most adorable and the most lovable being. It made me never to think twice on loving u. It made my heart skips a beat whenever i see u.
Love makes the heart battles the mind of all the logical thinking that one learns through life,..
only to think that u are the only one.

Even when i'm the only one who is loving..even i'm the one that is heartbroken.
And above all that i still love u with all my heart, wanting u, expecting u to be by my side forever and wanting the best for you.
I love you always.



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